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Meet The Maker - Lala and Pom

Sophie Lombardi


For the whole of March we will be showcasing some of our favourite makers. Meet Lucy, the maker from Lala and Pom, a gorgeous children's accessories brand with a firm affinity with the pom pom. I was lucky enough to meet Lucy, a fellow Lobella Loves seller, at a Christmas market and have been lusting after her stunning lined pom pom berets ever since. Do head over to the website and show this gorgeous small brand some love. 

Hi I'm Lucy is Mum to two kids Archer 8 and Lara (the Lala in our name and creative muse!) and I am the founder of Lala & Pom. I launched the business shortly after Lala turned one.  I worked at Boden for over 10 years running the photography and graphic design departments and while I was there developed a ridiculous love of kids' accessories and clothes. 

It all started once I'd taken redundancy from Boden after Lara arrived and I wanted to make some extra cash for Christmas. I started searching for luxury faux fur pompoms to add to beanie hats I'd designed. I found a lovely lady who could help me with the knitting and pattern making and it took off from there.  We had a production line - she would knit and I would finish off the hats. I  added some accessories and started to build a brand. The berets came in in 2016 and they were a great success. We're now looking into knitwear for AW18 and I am loving seeing where the brand can go. 

Glitter Beret from La La and Pom

Glitter Beret from La La and Pom

We hope that you are keeping warm and cosy after the beast. Pop back here next week to meet another maker.


Sophie xxxx